Students » Student's Code of Conduct

Student's Code of Conduct

When choosing to attend Earhart HS you are also agreeing to comply with the Student Code of Conduct.

Earhart Students are expected to:

1. Attend school every day and be on time.

  • If absent you are expected to bring an absence excuse and if absent more than 3 days a parent meeting will be held.
  • Those who arrive late will be serving detention. (*Note: A parent note and/or communication may excuse from serving detention. )

2. Be active participants in all learning activities and earn a passing a grade of a "C" in all grading periods.

3. Be respectful of other students, staff, teachers, and our school.

4. Develop long term plans that include college and career goals.

Behavior Codes:

1. Cell phones, headphones and other electronic devices may not be used during class time. When asked place them away and teachers reserve the right to refer you to the principal if you do not comply. 

2. Act in a manner that shows respect for self and others. For example: Do not use inappropriate language towards anyone, especially to be disrespectful and put someone down.

3. Do not bring any items that are not permitted (i.e. lighters, vape pens/cartridges/batteries, knives, etc...). Random searches will be conducted by the principal. 

4. Keep our campus clean by disposing of trash properly and utilizing the correct recycling cans to dispose of recyclable materials.

5. With the exception of bottled water, absolutely no food, candy or drink will be allowed to be consumed in the classrooms (with the exception of lunch time or if the weather is not permissible).

6. Earhart is a close campus and all students will not be allowed to depart during school hours or receive any deliveries.


Dress Code:

1. Clothing that is vulgar, displays profanity, promotes violence, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or sexual content may not be worn.

  • Wear appropriate shoes (For example house slippers).

Consequences for non-Earhart behavior:

1. Dress code violators will be required to change clothes and possibly serve detention.

2. Cell phones and any other prohibited items may be confiscated if used in an unauthorized manner.

3. Suspension will result from habitual misbehavior as determined by an administrator or designee.

4. Suspension, citations, arrest and/or expulsion will result from threats, fighting, and possession of alcohol/illegal drugs, gambling, truancy, gang activity, smoking, vandalism, theft or possession of a weapon.